Firemore 0.6.8
Released under the MIT License
A opinionated binding between clojurescript and Firebase.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[org.clojars.samedhi/firemore "0.6.8"]
Public variables and functions:
- active-transactions
- add-db!
- add-limit-to-ref
- add-order-to-ref
- add-reference-to-transaction
- add-where-to-ref
- build-path
- build-query
- chan->promise
- clojurify
- commit-batch!
- convert-if-string
- create-batch
- default-options
- delete-db!
- doc-upgrader
- expand-order
- expand-query
- expand-where
- filter-by-query
- get-db
- index-of-transaction
- jsonify
- keywordize->str
- listen
- merge-default-options
- noop-unwritten-reads!
- promise->chan
- ref
- remove-reference-from-transaction
- remove-transaction-from-transactions
- replace-timestamp
- server-timestamp
- set-db!
- shared-db
- snapshot-handler
- snapshot-listen-options->js
- str->keywordize
- transact-db!
- unlisten-db
- update-db!